Christian Young, USA
2018 Recipient
Christian grew up and currently lives in the Pensacola, FL area.
Christian joined the US Army in June 2009 and was deployed to Afghanistan in October 2010.
When it came time for Christian to come home he extended his deployment by ten days, Christian was on his way to chow on September 25, 2011 when an 82mm Egyptian style mortar landed 15 feet away.
Shrapnel from the explosion hit Christian’s left leg at the knee and snapped it in half. It also blew a chunk off his calf, severed the nerves, veins muscle and ligaments in his leg and broke bones in his shin. The explosion also threw him five feet into a concrete wall where he injured his back. A friend of Christian’s was also severely injured in the explosion.
Christian was life flighted to Shankeast where he underwent surgery. He woke up at Landstahl Regional Medical Center in Germany where he underwent several more surgeries. In October 2011 Christian was flown to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, TX where he stayed for the next two years undergoing more surgeries and rehab. His therapy included participation in Habitat for Humanity and visiting children at the Methodist Children’s Hospital.
Since his medical retirement from the Army, Christian has joined My Father’s Vineyard Church in Pensacola FL where he has joined the golf cart ministry giving people rides to the Church on Sundays and has gone through training to become a knight in the Knights of the Vineyard men’s ministry helping widows, the elderly and other people in need. Christian has also become a member of the motorcycle ministry, Christ’s Descendants.
The motorcycle awarded to Christian was unveiled at the Salute to American Veterans Rally in Cripple Creek, CO on August 18, 2018.